Where is the site?

The site is on Greenford Road, east of Grove Farm Park. Atrium Point is located here, formerly known as Kellogg Tower.

How big is the site?

The site covers an area of approximately 8 Acres.

Why are you updating the approved proposals?

We believe that the updated proposals and the new designs better respond to the needs of the community and Ealing in general.

The increased number of homes, including the improved offer on affordable housing, will go a long way in supporting Ealing Council in dealing with their current housing shortage, whereas the updated design and improved provision of community facilities and open green space, will help ensure that Park View Place is the better place to live.

What exactly are you proposing in addition to the approved scheme?

Our exciting new proposals seek to improve the already consented plans for the site by delivering more homes to help meeting Ealing’s housing shortage and provide even better public space and new facilities for the local community.

In addition to the consented scheme we are providing:

  • 213 new homes, including 40% affordable high quality homes
  • A larger, better landscaped public realm and pedestrian roads
  • A multipurpose community hall
  • A new gym with modern facilities
  • Two flexible commercial units at ground floor level
How many of the new homes will be affordable?

The updated plans provide an additional 85 new high quality affordable homes, delivering 40% affordable housing on the proposed uplift.

How much taller will the new buildings be?

The proposed buildings are a range of heights, from 6 storeys to 11 storeys. The tallest building is similar in height to Atrium Point.

What are the benefits for local people?

Aside from the additional new homes, including affordable, the updated masterplan will deliver a number of important benefits for the local community, including:

  • A new flexible community centre to be used by residents as they see fit.
  • High quality, attractive and useable public open space for residents and visitors to enjoy.
  • Access to new on-site café, gym and nursery for both new and existing residents.
  • Local employment and training opportunities – 1,500 construction jobs and over 600 operational jobs.
  • New active frontages facing Greenford Road.
  • Environmentally efficient and sustainable design.
  • Integrated, fully accessible development.
  • Increase in S.106 payments towards local investment in education, health and local parks
  • Additional payments through the Mayor of London’s Community Infrastructure Levy and contributions to air quality improvements.
  • Added support for Ealing Council for the inclusion of playspace in neighbouring parks
  • A masterplan that has been updated in close collaborative dialogue with the London Borough of Ealing and the GLA.
  • Contributing over £1m for local improvements of transport and community infrastructure.
How will this impact on local infrastructure?

As part of our planning application, we will be submitting a full evaluation of local transport and infrastructure. It should, however, be mentioned that the site is located very close to Sudbury Hill station and the proposals include but a small number of parking spaces, to encourage the use of public transport and green modes of travelling, wherever possible.

How can I comment on the plans?

We welcome your feedback on the emerging plans and would love to hear about your views on the amended scheme. You can do so by filling out the short survey on this website, or by directly getting in touch with the consultation team, via email or phone.

Furthermore, we are holding a webinar or live online meeting for those interested in hearing more about the plans, so do get in touch with the team to book your place on that call on 10 February 6-7pm.

Are you holding any meetings with local groups and/or Ealing Council?

Due to government guidelines in response to Covid-19, we are unfortunately unable to host any public events or meetings.

However, we will be holding a webinar or virtual meeting on Wednesday 10 February 6pm-7pm, to provide the community with the chance to meet the project team, ask questions and learn more about the proposals.

If you would like to request a meeting or you are a member of a local group and/or organisation and would like to organise a presentation for your fellow members with the development team, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us and we will be happy to accommodate any such request.

In the meantime, the team has had regular engagement with Ealing Council and the planning team at the Greater London Authority and the proposed plans have been devised in close collaboration with both organisations.

When will this be built?

At this point in time we can only provide an indicative timetable, based on a potential planning permission granted by Ealing Council later this year. Should that be the case, Interland Group is ready to start construction at the beginning of next year, with completion then scheduled for 2026.

Please see the ‘Our Proposals’ tab at the top of this page for more information. Then, if you have time, check out the short survey on the ‘Get in Touch’ page or write to us directly with your views and/or questions about the updated plans. We would love to hear from you.