Have Your Say

We would love to hear your thoughts on our updated masterplan, and especially on how you would best like to use some of the newly proposed public spaces, such as the playground, the improved local park and the community space/meeting room.

Please fill out the short survey below and give us your views.

    Q1. What would you most like to use the proposed community space for?

    Q2. What elements would you like to see included in the landscaped green areas on the proposed development?

    Q3. The developer will be making a payment to Ealing Council for the provision of a playground in the neighbouring park. What would you like this to include?

    Q4. The plans also include the provision of flexible commercial space at the ground floor of one of the proposed buildings. What do you think the area is currently missing and could be included in the proposed development?

    The consultation will remain open until 15th February, although we will accept your comments and questions even after this date.

    Contact Us

    For more information, or if you would like to meet with us virtually, please contact the team directly via:

    Freephone – 0800 307 7983

    Email – parkview@londoncommunications.co.uk

    If you would like to request a meeting or you are a member of a local group and/or organisation and would like to organise a presentation for your fellow members with the development team, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us and we will be happy to accommodate any such request.

    Please contact a member of the team if you would like any materials translated.